Eighty-Five Shows & Counting

I've never worked so hard, nor been as proud of anything in my life compared to what I've been able to accomplish these first six-months of pursuing music full time. I left a good paying job in exploration geology, a field that I went to school for, for something that I truly feel is my Personal Legend. I was made to do this...every bone in my body tells me so.

So here I am mid-June and I've already played 85 shows across 7 West Coast states. On this last tour alone I drove 4,370 miles and flew another 2,000 between 30 show destinations. Certainly not a bad number, but still a little behind if I am to succeed in my #QuestFor200! That's right, I've made my own hashtag to remind people of the goal that I've made and to make sure that I achieve it. I want you to hold me to it. Hell, I want to hold me to it!

And if 200 shows wasn't a lofty enough goal, I'm getting ready for my biggest challenge yet: To tour the entire East Coast. I've teamed up with Leesta Vall booking agency to tackle this beast for the first time. I plan to sing my songs from New Hampshire down to Tampa, Florida and I still have a few dates open for house shows along the way! If you, or anyone you know is interested in hosting a house show on the East Coast, please send me an email at liamkylemusic@gmail.com and we can talk details! ~LKC

‪#‎BeCourageous‬ ‪#‎FindYourPersonalLegend‬ #‎FollowYourDreams

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