Lots Of Music For One Weekend!

Hot damn that was a fun weekend of music!!! I had the pleasure of performing to a nearly packed house at Carson City's Plan b: Microlounge on Friday night for the comeback of a band that I love...Workin Minerva! That's right, Athena and the band have been on hiatus for about a year but but they came back with a passion and just KILLED IT! Do yourself a favor and see this group in the near future as they look to hit the road from their home base in Lake Tahoe! :)

To top off that incredible evening, the next night I was invited to a special event for Reno music catalyst Gia Torcasso. Spend one minute with this girl and it would be impossible not to feel like you've known her for a lifetime! But Gia's accomplishments playing bass for The Whitney Myer Band and Nothing Like A Dame only scratch the surface of what's to come. Gia has spent years writing songs and perfecting her own craft, and she wants to share her voice with us...literally! Gia is preparing to record her own music, playing guitar and singing her heart out with lyrics truly worth listening to! If you haven't heard her yet you should...big waves of awesomeness are coming!

Check out this little video posted from that house party last night...Lisa (didn't catch her last name) plays acoustic guitar and fronts former Reno supergroup Dirty Pretty with Gia on the bass, Kim Radzik on electric guitar, Kris Stosic on drums, Kent Miura on percussion, and Lacey Mattison doing harmony vocals! THANK YOU ALL for such an incredible weekend!!! 'Til next time...
