Day 29 - Spencer Kilpatrick - Electric Guitar

Only 6 days left in the campaign and we just hit the $5000 mark! True to my word on Facebook, I just edited and released some behind the scenes footage from the studio that I want to share with you!

Spencer Kilpatrick is just one of many special guests I've had the pleasure to work with on this album. He is the guitarist and singer of Failure Machine, the world's grossest soul band! While I didn't know it at the time he tracked guitar, Spencer has an incredibly deep, soulful voice that could soothe a screaming baby. No I haven't tested this hypothesis, but nonetheless I believe it to true!

Watch the new video to see that this isn't just a folk's a folk ROCK record!

Please remember to share my Indiegogo link with anyone who likes music or supports dreams! Word of mouth is always the best way to spread news, so please join me in this...thank you so much for reading!


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